Place frames 6’ apart. (Frame placement for a TTSA Transportable unit.)

  • Frame #1 has an axel sleeve and tongue guideβ€”center frame
  • Frame #2 has a tongue guide onlyβ€”goes on which ever side you want to pull
  • Frame #3 is regularβ€”goes on the other side of the center frame
    • 10 row units have connector pieces between lower and higher frames
    • If tube framing do not over tighten connecting hardware as not to pull the bolt through the tube. Tighten to where the tube of the frame starts to bend slightly, this will act as a lock washer.

Attach cross-braceβ€”e.g.…blue is at the back; orange is in the front of the first frameβ€”Typical (Follow color coding on installation drawings on all bracing)

Square frames and tighten bolts on cross brace (using 5/8” X 11/16” wrenches).

End cap all plank.

Lay two of the 2X10’s down beside each other up side down. The thin portion of cap goes on the top (solid side of the planks), lean the edge of the cap against the planks at a 45-degree angle with the large bottom edge of the cap touching the bottom of the planks. Force cap on with a rubber mallet if needed, make sure cap is centered (use a block of wood to help elevate the planks when doing this step). Next, drill a 5/32” hole (ream slightly) on the line on the bottom of the end cap @ each end of the cap and pop rivet into place. (Same steps with the seat planks but singles only)

* Install end caps on all risers, footboards, aisle filler planks and seats before placing on framing.

Attach riser (2X10 mill finish plank 14’, 20’ or 26’ long depending on the length of unit being installed) on last row of framing.

Center with equal amount of overhang on the two outside frames and adjust height placement with centering the attachment assembly bolt with the center of the channels on the bottom side of the plank.

The 1X6 risers go on all rows except the first (ground level) and the last row.

* Again place all clips assemblies on frame loosely before the planking, turn and tighten clip assemblies into the plank channels once planks are in place. (Center risers before as above before fully tightening.)

(Double 2X10 on all rows held together by double length channel end cap)

Attach all footboards (shiny finish) with clip assembly.

  1. Clip assembly consists of 3-1/2” clip, 1-1/2” bolt and 1/2” nut and washer (lay out before placing plank on frames putting the nut and lock washer on loosely. Keep clip turned sideways.
  2. Each footboard will use two of these on each frame using the center holes to align the footboard in the middle of the row.
  3. Loosely clamp under footboards (turn clip into channel of plank) at each location making sure the footboard is straight and aligned before tightening them down. (Tighten all clip assemblies w/a ½” mid or deep-well socket)
  4. There will be about and 18” overhang on each end past the frame.

Attach seat boards (dull finish) with clip assembly.

  • 2 pieces are a foot longer and are rows 1&2β€”these align with footboards
  • The other seat planks are a foot shorter than rows 1 & 2 these are the remaining rows (3 up to 10)β€”these align with rear riserβ€”this inset is to allow for the side guardrail systems to be mounted.

Install guardrail posts across the back. Holes are pre-drilled.

  • Make sure these are plum using level on front & sides and the speed rail hole is to the outside.
  • Refer to drawing for placement on sides.
  • Drill 1/2” holes on each footboard after marking hole position from the support rail. Be careful not to hit the integral leg for the clip assembly.

Take top and bottom back rails & center at back of bleacher. Stick side rails into corner post with the speed rail acceptor on the outside.

Attach side guardrail posts (top & bottom).

Attach β€œSpeed Rail” to bottom of rear corner post at the round protrusion using a 90-degree elbow.

Plug all open pipe end that are open in the guard-rail system with round plastic plugs using a rubber mallet.

(Make sure to center the plug in the hole before hitting.)

* 10 row Transportable units have a separation @ row 5 – see drawings

Attach and stretch fence across the back using tie wire every seven tips.

These tips at the top of the fencing will stick above the rail about 1/4”. Tie wires should line up from top to bottom.(Use a pipe or come-along to stretch)

Cut sidepieces. (See #14, #15and #16) Do not cut front until stretched and attached.

Lay fence out flat and place end post over end on fence at angle by evening up the pipe pieces that stick out of end post to receive posts.

Run tension rod through fence at that angle on both ends. Cut the back of fence first and attach with tension bands to keep taught. 1/4” will stick above the rail.

Leave roll of fence attached to side until you are ready to cut angle for front of bleacher.

  • Bend jagged edges away from occupant and traffic areas for safety.

Aisle fillers are 2X6 planks (End cap all as above)

  • Lay all filler planks on their side together with edges aligned
  • Mark a line down the center of the planks
  • Then, mark a line 15 inches from each side of the center line (This is to mark placement for the brackets)

Aisle filler bracket is the β€œL” shaped L-channel that go two per plank

  • Loosely place 3-1/2” clip assemblies in the four holes to the β€œL” side of each bracket as done in the previous steps
  • Next, using the 2-1/2” clip assemblies attach the filler planks to the brackets @ the two holes at the opposite end of the bracket (Place the bolt in the clip center cut-out, lean the clip into the channels of the plank, with the bolt head down, until the clip will slide freely in the channel.
  • Then, place the center of the bracket to the mark on the plank made earlier (15” from center). Place the bolt of each clip through the holes in the front of the bracket and tighten with 1/2” nut and lock washer. (Make sure the front of the bracket catches the front channel of the filler plank with out protruding past the edge of the plank) Repeat for second bracket.

Mark the center of the aisle on the unit

  • Put the aisle filler brackets with plank attached through the gap between the riser and footboards in the aisle with the filler plank up. (The first row filler assembly will have to be placed from beneath the unit from the rear)
  • Align the center mark on the filler plank with center mark on the aisle and turn the 3-1/2” clips into the channels of the footboards.
  • Using a 7/16’ machine bolt 1” long and a 11/16” nut attach the brackets together through the hole at the top of the β€œL” and in front of the next bracket up. Make sure no gap is present between the filler plank and the footboard, then tighten all.

Using the center marks already made for the aisle filler plank placement

  • See drawing for which rows for placement of the flanges and center the flange using the center mark on the aisle. (Make sure to hit the center of the channel under the footboards with the center hole of the flange.) Once placement is determined trace a circle around the flanges. Now pull the rail out of the flange and place the flange back inside the circle traced. Trace the inner miller hole of the flange.
  • Drill a 1/2” hole in the center of the traced center hole for the flange
  • Place the flange over the hole drilled and insert a 7/16” machine bolt, 1-1/2” long and large flat washer inside the flange, through the flange’s hole and drilled hole in the footboard. Place the spreader in the channel beneath the footboard with the β€œC” of the spreader facing up and now place a 11/16” nut on the machine bolt.
  • Now place the handrail back in the flange (You may have to force it back into the flange) and check alignment of the rail.
  • Once all is correct with the alignment, tighten the nut and below and the hex head bolts of the flange (Do not over tighten the 11/16” nut as to pull the bottom out of the flange)

List of tools needed:

  • Tape measure
  • Ratchet wrench
  • 1/2”, 9/16” and 11/16” midwell sockets
  • 1/2” and 5/8” open end wrenches
  • Square & chalk line or string
  • Electric Drill
  • 1/2” & 3/16” drill bits
  • Rubber hammer
  • Steel hammer
  • Level – 4’
  • Bolt cutters
  • Fencing pliers
  • 5/32” drill bit
  • 1/2” boxed end ratcheting wrench
  • Channel locks
  • Rivet gun